Here is a list of the top 20 forklift companies in the world and their forklift brands. Toyota – Owners Toyota brand forklifts and Raymond forklifts; Kion – Owner of Linde, Still, Baoli and Egemin brands. Jungheinrich – Maker of Jungheinrich forklifts; Crown Equipment – Maker of Crown Forklifts and Hamech Forklift. BelFlex Staffing Network is driven by a passion for creating success for our employees, clients and communities. We provide staffing and flexible workforce solutions to a wide range of companies that value our recruiting expertise, commitment to compliance, and partnering approach to improving productivity.
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This site is dedicated to those men and women who fell fighting for their country. Recorded here are various war memorials within a variety of counties, it is fully intended to complete as many war memorials in the United Kingdom as possible. A war memorial is a building, monument, statue, plaque or other edifice to celebrate a war or victory, or (predominating in modern times) to commemorate those who died or were injured in a war. The counties and the war memorials completed for each are listed on a separate page. Photographs have been taken of the majority of the memorials, details of the men included and their photographs where possible. All counties are based on the pre-1974 reorganisation of the political divisions in the United Kingdom. The main sections have a menu at the top of the page of sections that are available, these are on drop down lists. A site map has been provided as well.
The war memorials and rolls of honour cover a variety of Regiments, airfields and air bases as well as the memorials and cemeteries in the countries overseas where the men fell.
Much of the information has been found using the Commonwealth War Graves Commission site. To supplement this information the Soldiers Died in the Great War CD's and the Roll of Honour books all available from Naval & Military Press were also used. Other resources include the London Gazette, Local Newspapers, facts from family members and various other pieces of information from old books and magazines.
All the information here has been supplied by volunteers. If you have any information about the various items appearing here or wish to supply information then please use the feedback form. We will publish searchable databases and war memorials plus photographs accreditation being to those who own or have supplied the various content.
For those of you wanting to visit the places where these men and women are buried we have compiled a page devoted to Tour companies that specialise in this area.
Aims of this web site
This website:
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- promotes historical knowledge as a tool for peace and understanding between peoples and nations.
- does not seek to glorify the British Empire or any form of imperialism.
- does not seek to glorify war, or advocate war as a solution to disputes.
- uses crown icons and other royal/imperial symbols as an historical device, and not a political statement.
- endeavours to be as accurate as possible but sometimes is not; any entries that are erroneous will be changed in the fullness of time given notification
Read about the launch of this project or click on the picture to go to the web site |
Casualty Lists |
Casualty Lists Spreadsheets hosted on behalf of Diane (Bardess) - compiled from casualty lists uploaded to the Great War Forum. Please click the following link to download the spreadsheet (10.1Mb) - Casualty Lists. The spreadsheet was last updated on Tuesday 28th July 2009. Hyperlinks are provided to the National Archives' Medal Index Cards and, where appropriate, the CWGC 'Debt of Honour Register'. Great work, Diane! |
DONATIONS This site is maintained solely by volunteers and is funded by them as private individuals. This includes the purchase of photographs, books, rolls of honour plus the running costs of the site. We have always intended to make this site free to all. If you have gained from this site then please consider making a donation through PayPal by clicking on the donation button. Thank you. If you would like to donate but not on-line then cheques can be made payable to, and sent to: Martin Edwards |
The Naval & Military Press offer specialist books and ground breaking CD-ROMs for the serious student of conflict. Their hand picked range of books covers the whole spectrum of military history with titles on uniforms, battles, official and regimental histories, specialist works containing medal rolls and casualties lists as well as titles for genealogists, medal collectors and researchers. The innovative approach they have to military bookselling and their commitment to publishing have made them Britain’s leading independent military bookseller. |
Query Policy
Want to help We are always looking for volunteers to help. All information included on the site is accredited to the person who worked on it. You need help with transciptions, research and photographs. Contact the site owner, Martin Edwards, if you are interested in helping. There is a Word Template available for those who wish to you use it to transcribe. If you left click on the link (not right) it will load into Word and you can save it into your templates folder as a base for new transcription documents. Currently we have a huge backlog of around 10,000+ emails to get through containing new memorials and amendments. As we are volunteers we can only devote so much of our spare time to this so please bear with us. Although we do try to reply to emails the volume is such that we cannot guarantee a response, sorry but there is a huge amount of emails coming in and it is just not possible. |
This page last updated 27 March, 2021
Forklift brands: ranking of manufacturers, world production, makes and models, Toyota, Mitsui, Yale, Caterpillar, Honda, Heli, Kion, Mitsubishi, Clark.
As we know, forklifts are machines that consist of a platform, which is where the loads are placed to move them and stack them on shelves and store shelves, so the quality of these machines depends on how much weight they can lift and how much high can stack it.
The use of forklift machines has been very popular in the environment of factories and warehouses, as it helps workers to have their goods ordered, thus allowing a stricter order in terms of the materials available to a company.
As in all products, also in the forklifts, we have brands that work better than others depending on the size of the load as well as the size and conditions of the place where they will work. Today we will talk a little about the best models of forklifts.
- 3 Forklift manufacturers
Forklift brands and models
The forklifts are a crucial element in any warehouse operation. These tools allow your team to move heavy loads quickly (and carefully) to and from the loading dock with relative ease.
However, one question that many store managers and supply chains have is the following:

Which forklift is the best for my warehouse?
Warehouse equipment can be expensive. Therefore, it is important to obtain a good and reliable forklift truck because defective or unreliable products can lead to delays in your distribution center or, what is worse, injuries.
But how can you identify a reliable manufacturer of forklifts?
One way is to observe how well a manufacturer is performing: reliable manufacturers tend to see many repeat business and growth.
Another is to see how they are qualified by the users of their products: manufacturers that manufacture poor quality products tend to receive many complaints online, while reliable ones tend to be highly qualified.
Forklift Manufacturers List
Another common question related to this is:
In which forklift manufacturers can I trust?
Forklift types
According to the categorization of forklifts, there are 6 different types, which denominated by numbers, range from the simplest forklift; that has a small counterweight and a cabin for a passenger to the all-terrain forklift, which has a closed cabin with capacity for two passengers, with pneumatic tires and with a large forks mast.
Forklift manufacturers
Special thanks to Material Handling & Logistics for its 10 main brands of forklift truck manufacturers from the list of 2018.
All of the following manufacturers appear in the list, from the most income in 2017 to the least:
Toyota Industries Corp. $ 8.78 billion. Leader for many years in the industry with numerous options for different transmissions and load capacities.
The KION Group. $ 5.924 million. It has a variety of material handling solutions and forklifts under its umbrella (including Linde Material Handling, STILL and Fenwick).
The Jungheinrich Group. $ 4.25 billion. It offers numerous electric forklifts for a variety of needs.
Mitsubishi Logisnext Co., Ltd. $ 3.7 billion. It carries a variety of forklifts from its Mitsubishi, Unicarriers, and Nichiyu product lines.
Crown Equipment Corp. $ 2.9 billion (tied for fifth place). It offers different options for new, used and rental forklifts.
Hyster-Yale Materials Handling Inc. $ 2.9 billion (tied for fifth place). It has an estimated 830,000 Hyster® and Yale® forklifts operating worldwide, according to its website.
Anhui Heli Co., Ltd. $ 1.28 billion. It offers a range of forklifts and other solutions for heavy work.
Komatsu . $ 1.21 billion. It has a range of 36V and 48V electric forklifts.
Hangcha Group. $ 1.07 billion. It has numerous electric forklifts in three and four wheel varieties.
Forklift Companies List
Material handling Clark . $ 781 million (tied for 10th place). The notable forklifts include their forklifts of the S and GEX series.
Doosan Industrial Vehicle Co. $ 781 million (tied for the tenth place). Notable products include their forklifts of the Pro-5 series.
Forklift Companies List
Of the companies on the list, Clark Material Handling was a late addition, as it was discovered that it had the same reported income as Doosan to tie for the tenth place after taking into account the exchange rate between the two companies.
If these are the largest forklift manufacturers on the market, which are the most popular among your customers?
Forklift Companies Grand Rapids Mi
Forklift Caterpillar
As we know, forklifts are machines that consist of a platform, which is where the loads are placed to move them and stack them on shelves and store shelves, so the quality of these machines depends on how much weight they can lift and how much high can stack it.
We have all heard about the Caterpillar brand; a brand that has always been next to the people who work heavy, for this reason, a Caterpillar forklift could not be missing from the list of the best forklift models.
These forklifts are characterized by having great power and good load capacity, since depending on the type of forklifts, they can reach up to 5 tons. This brand is one of the best and most prestigious worldwide thanks to the quality of work they offer us and above all to their lifespan.
Clark Forklift
Another brand that is very popular among companies and warehouses with large loads to accommodate is the Clark forklifts.
These forklifts may be less popular than Caterpillars, but they also offer great cargo quality and accommodation in all style stores, whether large spaces in industrial warehouses or small stores in supermarkets or grocery stores.
Both brands have different capacities, although it is true, as we mentioned earlier, that there are different types of forklifts that are used depending on the needs of the company or warehouse, it is also true that each of the categories has different scope.
Forklift companies in China
There is a great prejudice installed on Chinese hoists, some claim that all “Chinese” (forklifts) are bad; It is true that historically many Chinese machines have disappointed, however, the Chinese industry has made great advances in this last decade and today it would be more accurate to say: “many Chinese are bad, but not all are equal”.
HC Hangcha: The No. 1 brand of Chinese forklifts in the world, has been consolidating not only as a leader in its sector (Chinese forklifts) but also in the global forklift market. In this way, HC Hangcha becomes the Chinese forklift with the highest demand in the world market.
LiuGong: It has a history of 57 years, today the company has more than 14,000 employees, including more than 1,000 engineers in three world-class research and development plants. The company supports its product lines through a global distribution network of sustained growth of more than 380 distributors in six continents and in more than 115 countries. The LiuGong dealer network offers 2,650 points of sale worldwide.
What is the best forklift brand?
Ranker surveyed more than 1,000 voters to rank the best forklift brands in the market.
According to the results of your survey (registered on July 16, 2018), the 10 most beloved forklift brands are:
- Toyota
- Linde Material Handling (part of the KION group)
- Caterpillar (partnered with Mitsubishi to form Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift America)
- Hyster-Yale Materials Handling Inc. (Yale also appears in number 10 separately)
- Bobcat Company (Highly valued, but its products are designed for outdoor work)
- CASE (forklifts for difficult terrain)
- Material handling Clark
- Nissan Motor Manufacturing UK
- Komatsu
- AB Volvo (originally No. 11. However, their forklifts are listed on their website as archival products).
It is important to keep in mind that many of the companies on this list are:
- The same companies as in the list of the 10 largest companies; or
- Subsidiaries of these companies.
These ratings help demonstrate the reliability of the final products and services offered by each of these manufacturers.
This allows you to get a rough idea of the overall quality you can expect when working with a particular manufacturer.
So, Who are the best qualified manufacturers?
Best forklift brand
By combining the two lists, it is possible to create a list of the largest and best-qualified forklift manufacturers to use for your distribution center/warehouse operations:
- Toyota
- KION group
- Jungheinrich
- Mitsubishi
- Hyster-Yale
- Komatsu
- Clark
Of course, if you are looking for a high-quality forklift to use in your distribution center or warehouse, it never hurts to ask for the opinions or recommendations of others.
For example, the managers of distribution centers in your area will probably have extensive personal experience
Best Forklift Brands
What is the best forklift brand?
Top forklift manufacturers 2019
Top forklift manufacturers 2018
Forklift brands and models
Forklift companies
Best Forklift driver training
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Forklift “age” is measured in hours. For a single-shift operation with an 8-hour workday, the average forklift runs 2,000 hours/ year. The average lifespan of a forklift is 10,000 hours, but this depends on the manufacturer. Above-average machines, such as Toyota forklifts, commonly last more than 20,000 hours.
What is the most common forklift accident?In the U.S. the three most common types of injuries occur when: A forklift overturns; workers are struck, crushed, or pinned by a forklift; and workers fall from a forklift. According to OSHA, 70 percent of workplace accidents can be avoided with proper training and safety procedures.
What are the different types of forklifts?Industrial Reach Forklift Trucks.
Industrial Counterbalance Forklifts.
Rough Terrain Forklifts.
Industrial Side Loader Forklifts.
Telescopic Handler Forklifts.
Pedestrian Operated Pallet Trucks.
The most common types of forklifts and what they are used for?
-Counterbalance forklifts are best used for material handling.
-Three-wheel counterbalance forklifts are perfect for narrow aisles.
-Reach truck forklifts for high rise storage pallet racking.
-Side loader forklifts for narrow isles.
Forklift Companies Miami
Forklift Classifications and Types
-Class I: Electric Motor Rider Trucks.
-Class II: Electric Motor Narrow Aisle Trucks.
-Class III: Electric Motor Hand Trucks or Hand/Rider Trucks.
-Class IV: Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Trucks with Cushion Tires.
-Class V: Internal Combustion Engine Trucks with Pneumatic Tires.
The most read
7 Different Types of Forklifts
forklifts models for industrial use inside warehouses, hydraulic three-wheeled electric forklifts. Counterbalance Forklift
Warehouse Forklift Types
As you know, before buying or renting the forklift that best suits the warehouse where you work, you have to take into account several factors such as the place of employment, the application to which it will be used, the type of product that will be charged, the intensity of its use, etc. Here we will guide you with the types of forklifts that you can acquire.