
Mastering the margarita requires a certain amount of practice, but once you dial-in your perfect ratio, it's a really easy cocktail to replicate. The classic recipe is 3 parts tequila, 2 parts triple sec, and 1 part freshly squeezed lime juice, and you should probably start off pretty close to that, but my personal favorite proportions are 4-3-2. How to Cocktail offers 150 recipes that range from classic cocktails to new America's Test Kitchen originals. Our two DIY chapters offer streamlined recipes for making superior versions of cocktail cherries, cocktail. You're browsing really quickly! To keep browsing our site, let us know you're human by clicking below!

  • 3 oz Tito’s Handmade Vodka
    1 oz (or less) dry vermouth
    3 olives
    1 lemon peel
    Just add Tito's Handmade Vodka and dry vermouth to a shaker with ice.
    Shake or stir, and strain into a chilled martini glass.
    Garnish with three olives or a lemon twist.
  • 1 (750-ml) bottle your favorite red wine
    1/2 cup brandy
    1/2 cup orange liqueur
    1/2 cup orange juice
    1/4 cup granulated sugar
    2 cups orange wedges
    2 cups red apple wedges
    2 cups green apple wedges
    2 cups seedless green grapes
    Combine the wine, brandy, orange liqueur, orange juice, and sugar in a large 4-quart container or punch bowl and stir until the sugar has dissolved. Add all of the fruit and stir to combine. Refrigerate until chilled and the flavors have melded, about 2 to 3 hours.
  • 1-1/2 oz. Crop cucumber infused organic vodka
    3/4 oz. Cointreau
    1 oz. champagne
    3/4 oz. sour mix
    3/4 oz. white cranberry juice
    Splash of simple syrup
    2 or 3 slices cucumber
    Combine vodka, Cointreau, sour mix, cranberry and simple syrup into mixer. Shake vigorously. In separate mixing tin muddle cucumber slices into the champagne. Pour the muddled mixture into the bottom of a chilled martini glass. Plunge shaken mixture into martini glass and garnish with cucumber slice.
    Eman Domboski
    The Greenview Inn
    Vineland, NJ
  • Captain Morgan Jamaica Rum
    Midori Melon
    Monin Orgeat
    fresh mint
    fresh lime juice
    Combine ingredients, shake & strain over crushed ice.
    Ciprianoff Ciprianoff
    Barissimo Cocktail Bar
    Constanta, Romania
  • Dash Grenadine
    Fill glass with Ice
    1 1/2 oz. Malibu Passion Fruit Rum
    Top off with Faygo Blue Moon Mist
    Cristina Linder
    Lightning & Thunders Custar Tavern
    Custar, OH
  • 3 oz. Sparkling wine
    1 spoon cherry jam
    1/3 oz. lemon juice
    1/3 oz. vodka
    Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake and strain into a glass.
  • Apple & Pink Julep
    4 oz. Croft Pink Port
    10 mint leaves
    1 oz. apple juice
    Muddle mint leaves and apple juice in a cocktail shake. Add wine and ice. Shake and strain into a glass. Garnish with a mint sprig.
  • 1 ¼ oz. Herradura Reposado Tequila
    ¾ oz. Kahlua
    1 oz. cola
    Add all ingredients in shaker with ice. Shake well to mix. Strain into shot glass.
  • 1 oz. Moscato
    1 oz. gin
    1 oz. lemon juice
    ½ oz. Peach Schnapps
    ½ oz. simple syrup (mix equal parts hot water and sugar until sugar is dissolved)
    Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake and strain into a glass.
  • 2 oz. Lillet Rose
    ½ oz. Green Chartreuse
    Rub 2-3 mint leaves inside of julep cup, then discard leaves. Add Chartreuse & Lillet Rose, fill midway with crushed ice. Swizzle or stir to agitate and incorporate, then add more crushed ice. Top with spanked mint sprigs. Garnish with mint.
    Joaquin Simo
    Pouring Ribbons

Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Top 10 cocktail drinks


1. Any of various mixed alcoholic drinks consisting usually of brandy, whiskey, vodka, or gin combined with fruit juices or other liquors and often served chilled.
2. An appetizer made by combining pieces of food, such as fruit or seafood: fruit cocktail; shrimp cocktail.
3. Medicine
a. A mixture of drugs, usually in solution, administered together or sequentially.
b. A medical regimen that includes a combination of several drugs, so that their combined effect is more potent than that of any of the drugs used individually.
Of or relating to cocktails: a cocktail glass; a cocktail party.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈkɒkˌteɪl) n1. (Brewing)
a. any mixed drink with a spirit base, usually drunk before meals
2. (Cookery) an appetizer of seafood, mixed fruits, etc
3. any combination of diverse elements, esp one considered potent
4. (Clothing & Fashion) (modifier) appropriate for formal occasions: a cocktail dress.


(ˈkɒkˌteɪl) n
1. (Horse Training, Riding & Manège) a horse with a docked tail
2. (Breeds) an animal of unknown or mixed breeding
3. archaic a person of little breeding pretending to be a gentleman
[C19: originally cocktailed (adj) having a tail like a cock's]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


1. any of various chilled mixed drinks, consisting typically of an alcoholic liquor mixed with vermouth, fruit juice, or flavorings.
2. any of various cold mixtures of small pieces of food, often served as an appetizer: shrimp cocktail; fruit cocktail.
3. a beverage or solution concocted of various ingredients.
4. styled for semiformal wear: a cocktail dress.
5. used in or suitable for cocktails: cocktail onions.


a horse with a docked tail.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Music produced in the early 1990s that imitated the popular easy listening styles of the 1950s and 1960s.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
Noun1.cocktail - a short mixed drink
mixed drink - made of two or more ingredients
Bloody Mary - a cocktail made with vodka and spicy tomato juice
bullshot - a cocktail made with vodka and beef bouillon or consomme
daiquiri, rum cocktail - a cocktail made with rum and lime or lemon juice
gimlet - a cocktail made of gin or vodka and lime juice
grasshopper - a cocktail made of creme de menthe and cream (sometimes with creme de cacao)
Harvey Wallbanger - a cocktail made of vodka or gin and orange juice and Galliano
manhattan - a cocktail made with whiskey and sweet vermouth with a dash of bitters
margarita - a cocktail made of tequila and triple sec with lime and lemon juice
martini - a cocktail made of gin (or vodka) with dry vermouth
gin and it - a cocktail made of gin and sweet vermouth
old fashioned - a cocktail made of whiskey and bitters and sugar with fruit slices
pink lady - a cocktail made of gin and brandy with lemon juice and grenadine shaken with an egg white and ice
Sazerac - a cocktail made with bourbon with bitters and Pernod and sugar served with lemon peel
screwdriver - a cocktail made with vodka and orange juice
sidecar - a cocktail made of orange liqueur with lemon juice and brandy
sour - a cocktail made of a liquor (especially whiskey or gin) mixed with lemon or lime juice and sugar
stinger - a cocktail made of made of creme de menthe and brandy
planter's punch - a cocktail made of rum and lime or lemon juice with sugar and sometimes bitters
White Russian - a cocktail made with vodka, coffee liqueur, and milk or cream
2.cocktail - an appetizer served as a first course at a meal
appetiser, appetizer, starter - food or drink to stimulate the appetite (usually served before a meal or as the first course)
fruit cocktail - a mixture of sliced or diced fruits
crab cocktail - a cocktail of cold cooked crabmeat and a sauce
shrimp cocktail - a cocktail of cold cooked shrimp and a sauce
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


nounmixture, combination, compound, blend, concoction, mix, amalgamation, admixtureThe court was told she had taken a cocktail of drugs and alcohol.


Americano, Bellini, Black Russian, black velvet, Bloody Mary, Brandy Alexander, buck's fizz, bullshot, caudle, claret cup, cobbler, cold duck, collins, cooler, Cuba libre, cup, daiquiri, dry martini, eggnog or egg flip, Gibson, gimlet, gin sling, glogg, Harvey Wallbanger, highball, julep, kir, Long Island Tea, manhattan, margarita, martini, milk punch, mint julep, mojito, Moscow Mule, negroni, nog or nogg, oenomel, old-fashioned, orgasm, piña colada, pink gin, planter's punch, punch, rickey, Rusty Nail, sangaree, sangria, sazerac, screwdriver, sidecar, Singapore sling, sling, Slow Screw Against the Wall, snowball, spritzer, stinger or stengah, swizzle, syllabub or sillabub, Tom Collins, whiskey sour, whisky mac, white lady, zombie
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


A.N (= drink) → combinadom, cóctelm
fruit cocktailmacedoniaf de frutas
prawn cocktailcóctelm de gambas
B.CPDcocktail barN (in hotel) → barm (de cócteles), coctelería f
cocktail cabinetNmueble-barm
cocktail dressNvestidom de fiesta
cocktail loungeNsalónm de fiestas
cocktail onionNcebollafperla
cocktail partyNcóctelm
cocktail sausageNsalchichita f de aperitivo
cocktail shakerNcocteleraf
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= drink) → cocktailmprawn cocktailcocktail bar nbarm à cocktailscocktail cabinet nbarm (meuble)cocktail dress nrobef de cocktailcocktail lounge nbarmcocktail party ncocktailmcocktail shaker nshakermcocktail stick npiquefen boiscock-up [ˈkɒkʌp]n(British)bourdef
It was a real cock-up → C'était une grossebourde.
to make a cock-up of sth → faire capoter qch
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


nCocktailm; we’re invited for cocktailswir sind zumCocktaileingeladen


in cpdsCocktail-;
cocktail bar
cocktail cabinet
cocktail lounge
cocktail stick
cocktail tomato
cocktail waiter
cocktail waitress
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈkɒkˌteɪl]n (drink) → Cocktailcocktailm inv
fruit cocktail → macedonia di frutta
prawn cocktail (Am) shrimp cocktail → cocktailm inv di gamberetti
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


1. an alcoholic drink mixed from various spirits etc. skemerkelkie مَزيج مَشْروبات: كوكتيل коктайл coquetel koktejl der Cocktail coctail κοκτέιλcóctel kokteil نوعی مشروب الکلی؛ کوکتل cocktail coquetel קוֹקטֵייל मद्य पान की दावत koktel koktél koktil kokkteill cocktail カクテル 칵테일 kokteilis kokteilis koktel cocktailcocktail cocktail كا كټيل يودول شراب چه څرنګه يى سره ګډشوىوى: داشتهار او ستلو خواړه cocktail cocteil коктейль koktail koktejl koktel cocktail เครื่องดื่มเหล้าผสมผลไม้ kokteyl 雞尾酒 коктейль شرابوں کا مجموعہ cốc tai 鸡尾酒
2. a mixed dish of a number of things. a fruit cocktail. mengeldrank خَليط فَواكِه смесено ястие salada směs, salát der Cocktail blanding ποικιλίαmacedonia kokteilsalat پیش خوراک sekoitus salade קוֹקטֵייל koktel koktél koktil blanda macedonia 前菜の一種 모듬 mišinys salāti (augļu, dārzeņu) bancuhan koktel cocktailblanding, cocktail cocktail, deser داشتهار او ستلو خواړه salada salată коктейль-салат šalát (mešana) solata koktel cocktail, blandning อาหารหลากชนิด ...kokteyli 什錦 коктейль مل جلے پھلوں کا رس یا پلیٹ۔ sự pha trộn hợp chất 什锦
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


كُوكْتِيل koktejl cocktailCocktailκοκτέιλcóctel cocktailCocktailcocktail koktelcocktail カクテル

Cocktail Courier

칵테일cocktailcocktailkoktajlcoquetelкоктейль cocktail เครื่องดื่มเหล้าผสมน้ำผลไม้kokteyl

Manhattan Recipe Cocktail

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


2. mezcla de licores.
3. receta de mezcla de drogas para tratar una enfermedad.


n (of medications) cóctel or coctel m, mezcla (de medicamentos)
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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