Our new To Go facility is now open. Enjoy shorter wait times at the restaurant and quicker to go service. Our full menu is available To Go from our new facility along with beer, wine and other beverages. Kaleidoscope Online Summer programs. Online Programs. Racism, climate change, mental health—our summer classes cover what matters. Our live virtual classes are designed to be active & interactive—no boring lectures here.

Publisher's description: Now an online journal, Kaleidoscope was the first magazine to creatively explore the experience of disability through the lens of literature and fine arts. When Kaleidoscope began publishing in 1979, disability was generally viewed and written about from a clinical, rehabilitative, or sociological perspective.
The aims of Kaleidoscope include presenting effective, powerful writing and art to our readers that challenges and overcomes stereotypical, patronizing, and sentimental attitudes while educating, increasing awareness, and demonstrating that any disability or chronic illness is just one part of a person's identity.
Kaleidoscope publishes personal essays, creative nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and book reviews written by people who live with the experience of disability and chronic illness as well as those who are closely involved with and affected by these particular kinds of journeys (i.e. parents, siblings, spouses, friends, educators, healthcare professionals). We accept work from writers with and without disabilities, but writers without disabilities must focus on some aspect of disability experience. Our visual artists are all individuals with disabilities.
Kaleidoscope is published in January and July.
Louise L. Hay, a metaphysical teacher, has more than 40 million books sold worldwide. For more than 30 years, she has helped people throughout the world discover and implement the full potential of their own creative powers for personal growth and self-healing. Heal Your Life® workshops and seminars are based on the principles of the book, “You Can Heal Your Life®”, by Louise L. Hay and have been attended by many thousands of people worldwide. The Heal Your Life philosophy is:
- What we think about ourselves becomes true for us
- Everyone is responsible for everything in their lives — the best and the worst
- Every thought we think is creating our future
- Each one of us creates our experiences by our thoughts and our feelings
- The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences
- We can change the thoughts we think

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